Visitors Policy


The purpose of this policy is to ensure the organisation provides a safe and professional environment for all stakeholders. This includes ensuring all visitors act in a way that is respectful and to the highest level of integrity and professionalism towards employees, the Board of Directors and other visitors and community members.


By entering AHCWA’s premises and signing in, all visitors agree to follow and abide by this policy. Visitors may include but are not limited to:

  • Persons from external organisations, including government agencies and funding bodies
  • Directors, Chief Executive Officer’s and employees from our Member Services
  • Contractors
  • Tradespersons
  • Guest Speakers
  • Employee family members or friends


As the peak body for Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services in Western Australia, the organisation’s image to the community is an important part of its brand. This image is inclusive of our premises, and all visitors are expected to treat the building and its occupants with respect whilst onsite.

The organisation takes the health and safety of all stakeholders seriously whilst on site, as well as the security of personal possessions and belongings. Therefore only authorised personnel will have access to the private work areas and offices.

It is important that all visitors are respectful and accountable in all interactions with employees and other visitors whilst on the premises.

Failure to adhere to this policy may result in the visitor being asked to leave the premises.

Serious or repeat breaches of this policy may also result in the visitor being denied the right to access and conduct business onsite. Any visitor who has previously been removed or excluded from the premises will only be welcome to return with the approval of the Chief Executive Officer or Board of Directors.

Evidence Base

This policy is consistent with the following standards and the legal provisions of the relevant listed legislations:

  • Work Health and Safety Act 2020 (WA)

Linked Documents

  • Doc 362 AHCWA Guide to Professional Meetings and Housekeeping

Linked Forms / Software

  • SwipedOn

Related Documents

This policy should be read in conjunction with the following policies and documents:

  • Doc 080 Work, Health and Safety Policy
  • Doc 1296 COVID-19 Safety Policy and Procedure


All visitors must check-in at reception recording all relevant details of their visit on SwipedOn, including:

  • The visitors full name;
  • Phone number;
  • Date and time of visit;
  • The company they represent (if applicable); and
  • Whom they are visiting and/or the purpose of their visit.

Once they have signed in, the visitor must wait in the reception area until an authorised representative of the organisation comes to collect them. All visitors must wear a visitor’s lanyard at all times whilst onsite.

Visitors must be supervised by an authorised representative at all times (so far as reasonably practicable).


Visitors are permitted to use the car park at the front of our building. If there is no parking available, there is free parking along Beaufort Street and the surrounding streets. The organisation does not take any responsibility for any damage to vehicles whilst using our car park or any associated parking infringements.


The organisation has a strict no smoking policy, and does not permit smoking on its premises and promotes a smoke free working environment. This includes the car park and paved areas near the bike lockers.

Visitor Conduct

There are five fundamental elements which underpin this policy and the expected behaviour and conduct of all visitor’s.


All visitors must treat Employees, the Board of Directors and other visitors with respect and courtesy at all times. Verbal or physical abuse of any sort will not be tolerated.
All visitors must treat all resources and equipment with respect at all times.


Integrity is acting in a way that is honest, sincere and in the best interests of the organisation and the people and community it serves. Visitors have a responsibility to conduct themselves with integrity by:

  • Complying with all organisational standards and requirements; including but not limited to relevant organisational policies and procedures; and
  • Demonstrating conduct that will not reflect adversely on the organisation including its employees and the community we serve.

Accountability incorporates respect, integrity and responsibility. The organisation will hold visitors accountable for their behaviours, actions and comments. All visitors are accountable to the representative they are visiting and if their conduct is unacceptable, they may be asked to leave.


Confidentiality is defined as “the state of keeping or being kept a secret or private”.

Confidential information about the organisation or our Member Services, which has not been published and is not accessible to the general public may not be shared by any visitor. This includes information in any form including electronic or digital form.
All visitors must uphold the highest level of confidentiality with any information or documentation obtained.


Defamation is a false statement that harms the reputation of the organisation. In no circumstances should visitors make false statements nor engage in conduct that causes imminent and serious risk to the reputation or viability of the organisation.

Meeting Etiquette

Any visitors entering the premises to participate in meetings must do so in accordance with the five elements of conduct listed above. Visitors should also read and adhere to Doc 362 AHCWA Guide to Professional Meetings and Housekeeping.

Emergency Evacuation

In the event of an emergency, visitors must adhere to the Chief Warden’s instructions. The muster point is located under the sign in the Wilson car park located on the corner of Broome Street and Beaufort Street.

Once the building has been evacuated and everyone is assembled at the muster point, visitors will be checked against SwipedOn. Visitors must not leave the muster point or return to the premises until it is confirmed with the delegated emergency coordinator.


All visitors must check-out via reception, sign out of SwipedOn and return their visitors lanyard.

Breaches to the Policy

All visitors are required to comply with this policy at all times. Any activity which represents a failure to meet these obligations is found to have breached this policy.

Visitors who are found to have breached this policy may be requested to leave the premises and/or prohibited from re-entering the building.

Review Timeframe

This Policy shall be reviewed every two (2) years.

Visitors Policy: Document 523. Version 6