We acknowledge the Whadjuk people of the Noongar Nation as the custodians of the land that AHCWA is located on and we pay our respects to all Elders, past, present and future.

What's On
AHCWA CEO Des Martin Celebrates 15 Years of Exceptional Leadership
The Aboriginal Health Council of Western Australia is proud to celebrate Des Martin’s 15-year milestone as the organisation’s Chief Executive Officer. Throughout his tenure, he has shown outstanding leadership and dedication to…
First Nations Aged Care Report Shows Urgent Action Is Needed To Fix System
The Aboriginal Health Council of Western Australia supports the Interim First Nations Aged Care Commissioner Andrea Kelly’s calls for urgent action by the Federal Government to transform the aged care system, which…
AHCWA Welcomes Remote Food Subsidy Scheme, Urges Inclusion of all Remote Communities
The Aboriginal Health Council of Western Australia welcomes the Federal Government’s price cap on food and essential items in remote stores, and emphasises that all remote stores must be able to access…
National Apology Anniversary: It’s Time to Act on the Promise of Reconciliation
On 13 February 2008, Prime Minister Kevin Rudd offered a National Apology to Australia’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. The Apology specifically addressed the Stolen Generations, acknowledging the profound pain and…
Honouring the Aboriginal Tent Embassy’s Legacy of Advocacy and Resistance
Aboriginal people have fought for rights to their traditional lands since Australia was first colonised. In the Milirrpum vs Nabalco Northern Territory Supreme Court case in 1971, traditional lands were sold to…